Friday, June 11, 2010

Ok, so i may be a little behind with this.

i think at this point it's well established that i'm very bad at remembering to update blogs. it's something that all two of you who read it will have to deal with, i'm afraid.

I taught at my first kindergarten today- I have five of them but I only visit twice a year. The kids were incredible... I taught them some songs and how to play duck-duck-goose (which is harder than you'd think with three year olds) and some basic colors, and was used as a jungle gym. I've really missed being around young kids... hanging out with twenty 3yr olds made me lonesome for Jay and Alex and Philadelphia in general.

My senseis are taking full advantage of the fact that I can not only draw, but like doing it (to an extent. this is beginning to get silly.) This means I'm basically producing massive amounts of pictures of random things... this weekend's project is adjectives. This is actually insanely hard- for example, how do you illustrate "awesome" and "wonderful"? So far I've managed "loud" "popular" and "difficult/exciting". i think it's exciting, my sensei thinks it's difficult. can't it be both?

In closing, very few things are more difficult than trying to walk with four children attached to one arm, two attached to the other, and three fighting for a space to attach themselves. However, I totally managed it. Also, the shyest 3yr old they've got decided I was there specifically to play with him only. He got very upset when I had to leave. Also, I made one of my JTEs laugh hard enough that he spit out his drink. I feel accomplished.

Also Also, I read my first (non textbook) sentence. It involved ice cream.