And I Didn't Tell You About Any Of It
because i am a jerk.
it's probably genetic. (love you mom.)
so approximately a week and a half ago, i got a call from my fellow philadelphian expat, a really awesome girl named vash, asking if i'd be up for a trip. to tokyo. in two days.
being insane and bored, i said HELL YES and proceeded to make no concrete plans of any kind beyond buying a backpack covered in ska-check and looking at prices of train tickets. we headed out of nagoya and after approximately a million years on a train with some really pretty scenery and adorable small children speaking bad english at us, we arrived in tokyo.
weirdest question of the trip: "why are YOU speaking japanese?!" said in tones of shock and horror. luckily, every other person we talked to was pretty awesome, over all.
we spent a night in roppongi at a karaoke place and the zombie-march as the clubs emptied the next morning was enough to give a girl nightmares. i was amazed they were all still conscious enough to totter down the street in 7 inch heels, considering they looked like death spat them out and were about 60 pounds shy of a healthy body weight on average.
we ended up spending a big chunk of the next few days in shibuya and harajuku, with a brief jaunt over to akihabara. all places i wanna go again. when i have more money. tokyo is a money-eating machine O_O and i didn't even really do much shopping.
also, i met a kid who was wearing a philly cheesteak t shirt who ACTUALLY KNEW WHAT IT SAID and had worn it on purpose. apparently he really likes oldschool R+B and was pretty excited to meet two girls who were actually from philly. considering he's the first person who hasn't either mentioned rocky, creamcheese or the 76ers who actually knew where philadelphia was, i am super impressed.
also also, a very sweet japanese boy asked me for directions while i was sitting in yoyogi koen, which did not do any good at all as i could barely answer him and had no idea how to get him anywhere. he looked so disappointed... poor guy. however, points to me for not looking like a tourist in a city i don't know! hooray!
in other news: nagoya had a world cosplay summit and i missed it. steph talked me into buying a yukata and i'm wearing it next week at a festival at nagoya castle. i am in the process of conning people into coming to my tiny town and hanging out with me for a few days. everyone i know who lives close is on vacation or busy and i'm going crazy.
oh! and my friend just had her twins! i'm going to go visit them soon- twin boys! i'm so happy for her!