Sunday, October 10, 2010

Adventures in Essay-Grading

it's possible that i'm a bad person for enjoying the mistakes my students make in their papers quite as much as i do... but in all fairness, they are EPIC in their level of entertainment.

example: I want to be a baker and eat many people.

it was a good attempt- she'd searched through her memory and picked a word that was allllllmost right. the end result was something rather different than she expected. she looked a little horrified when i explained it to her.

in other, non-essay-related news, i'm still having an awesome time playing taiko. i'm definitely still not good at it, but it's incredibly fun and i'm getting a little better. so- hurray! this is just a mini post to let people know that i haven't died mysteriously, because my taiko group is playing at a shrine festival in... oh about 10 minutes. i should really start booking it, considering they're playing ten minutes away. luckily, i'm not playing this weekend, which is a good thing considering i'm still not perfect on my songs.

the picture is from a couple days ago... it's turning into a beautiful fall over here.