Monday, April 11, 2011

new school year!

today starts a new school year, with all new schools and all new teachers and all new students. it's going to be interesting, to say the least- i'll be taking buses for a little while as i get my Japanese driver's license (annoying) and i'm teaching far more elementary school than last year (potentially fun, but i love my junior high students).
without a car, my day's changed from 740-500 to 650-615 (or 550-615, depending on the school). ouch. as soon as i have this oh-so-vital piece of plastic, i'll be able to resume waking up at a reasonable hour. hurray! that day can't come quickly enough.
i'm at two schools tomorrow. i start at an elementary and then move to junior high after lunch- hopefully i can bum a ride from another teacher in between schools otherwise i might be late.
i'm exhausted tonight. i promise, when i've got a better handle on my new schools, i'll post an update.
and now, to make worksheets! and pictures of dinosaurs!