Friday, March 26, 2010

In Nagoya!

Finally! I've arrived and am currently chillin in Nagoya, Japan. It's cool as hell- there's a pretty damn awesome assortment of people here, including one of the dudes that I interviewed with. Excellent!

We're planning on hitting up the castle tomorrow, and spent most of today wandering through shops and resisting the temptation to buy video games. Is it a prerequisite to be a super nerd before you get to work in Japan? I'm half convinced. I also found out that one of the other chicks here (one of the few- seems like it's mostly men) is also working in Nakatsugawa. Lucky me, she's a cool kid. Could definitely have been much much much worse.

In unrelated news, I nearly saw some poor idiot fall in front of a train because he was beyond plastered. This, children, is what excessive drinking will do to you if you are not careful.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like Grande Fun!

    Well, except for the part about the idiot falling in front of the train. That couldn't have been fun for him. And maybe not even fun for you. Unless, of course, you're essentially indifferent to the fate of strangers. Then you might have been giggling up your sleeve...
